
Visions for Chaos

My vision of what a beautiful, equitable, trauma-informed world could look like. When science and compassion have a baby.

About the Blog

It’s the beginning of 2021 and the world is a shit show. Racial inequity, climate change, wars, children in cages, inaccessible healthcare, a failing school system – there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. However, just saying that things are bad doesn’t get us very far. We need a vision, a narrative, of what the world could be.

Without vision, we are lost. The world of Sci-Fi and Fantasy has been shaping our future for decades, so why don’t other fields do the same? Before Star Trek, nobody dreamed of making Skype or cell phones. Submarines and helicopters were both influenced by science-fiction novels. Back to the Future inspired hoverboards. The vision comes first, then the application.

This is my vision of the world. I’ll write short, fictional, first person narratives that capture glimpses of what the world could be. Most of my thoughts are based on current scientific knowledge, I will link a research article or book to each of my narratives for further reading. I hope this blog brings someone hope for the future in a time when the present is very demoralizing.  

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